蔬果類Vegetable & Fruit

蘋果、荔枝、百香果、水蜜桃、鳳梨、芒果、葡萄、草莓、檸檬、龍眼、柳橙、紅葡萄柚、 玉米、地瓜、芋頭、香菇...

Apple、Lychee、Passion fruit、Peach、 Pineapple、Mango、Grape、Strawberry、 Lemon、Longan、Orange、Grapefruit、 Corn、Sweet potato、Taro、Mushroom...


In response of market trends, we develop various flavourings to increase the taste of food. The flavourings of citrus are the most common in drinks, especially the emulsified citrus flavouring is the featured product in our company. It will be colourless when dropped in water and still keep the flavour of citrus.