
東佳貿易有限公司成立於民國86年,坐落於台中這個充滿人文氣息的都市。 多年來秉持「品質、務實、創新」的企業精神,深耕食品香料的市場,為客戶提供高品質的產品。 我們具有紮實的應用與開發實力,因應不斷變化的市場趨勢,提供完善的專業建議與協助,實現客戶理想的產品。並且能依據不同的市場需求,客製多樣化的產品以符合不同地區的飲食習慣及文化。


The EAST SOURCE TRADING CO. LTD., which is located in humanistic city, Taichung City, was established in 1997. Over the years, adhering to the Spirit of Enterprise,“Quality, Pragmatic and Innovative”, we dedicated to Flavours’ Market and provide high-quality products to our customers. In response to dynamic market trends, we possess stable ability of application and development to provide professional suggestions, and support to achieve customers’ optimum products. In addition, we customize diversified products to accord with distinguishing eating habits and cultures.
